They are indicated for individual assets not included in a strategic plan and for emergency operations. It always starts with a meeting (with no obligation) to acquire data and to discuss the objectives. We operate throughout the country with regional partners. selected projects and executable files produced are free from royalties and any other constraint by law. In the event of additional consulting meetings and services we recommend the contract structured in a defined period.
- Meeting
- Brief
- Estimation
- Approval
- Execution
- Delivery of original files
- Billing
Through a path of knowledge of the needs and objectives of our customers we perform a "checkup" on the corporate’s image, positioning and potential. The next meeting with the customer generates the decision to carry out a plan of action measured on monthly step and modified during construction.
- Data acquisition
- Requirements acquisition
- Development of communication plan
- Definition of monthly activities
- Monitoring
- Monthly billing
It consists on the externalization of all communication activities while maintaining the strategic part and controlled results. Today, this method of administration has many advantages on the quality and quantity of the skills that can act simultaneously to give answers to substantial and structured communication and promotion to the reduction of fixed costs, the staff, the optimization of the purchase. With our business model and the activation of specific tools, the interaction with the various representatives of the structure of the company occurs in real time. This type of contract is on for companies whose communication to the sales networks and markets is ongoing and should therefore the investment should be optimized. The customer in this case reduces to a minimum investment the fixed costs and free energies devoted to the brand and market development.
- Situation Analysis
- Needs and objective sharing
- Strategic Plan and operating plan processing
- Mutual exclusive outsourcing contract
- Monthly monitoring
- Monthly billing
Proper communication activity helps maintain visibility in the markets, express reliability and to seek an ever more selective demand. Investment in communication and promotion generates an increasingly gradual return over time. Therefore, our proposal of low-cost fee refers in particular to small facilities that need to be promoted, to upgrade their communication tools and also launch new offers on the internet through updated website, social profile management, web marketing. In this case the obstacle is probably represented by the overall cost of the operation. Well, we remove the obstacle by offering the performance of the works of even tight deadlines while the payment is split into a low monthly cost share for a period of months to be defined. In this way, certainly the results will come as gradually as the payments.
- Context analysis
- Brief Acquisition
- Strategic plan and Operating Plan processing
- Mutual Exclusive Contract
- Monthly monitoring
- Billing